General conditions of use of the website -

General conditions of use of the website:


On the one hand, ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS limited company with registered office - Calle Filipines número 1 - 08027 Barcelona, with the travel agency code GC-003348 y C.I.F. nr. B- 66144098 and Registered in the Mercantile Registry, Volume 44.058, Sheet 99, Page B 445955, 1st entry.

And, on the other hand, the natural person, hereinafter USER, who accesses the page to get informed and to contract the services offered through the WEBSITE. The User declares that he/she is of legal age and has the legal capacity to acquire the services offered through this WEBSITE..

For the use of this portal by the USER, the same expressly accepts the full and unreserved adherence to each and every one of the General Conditions in the version published by ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS at the moment when the USER accesses this portal, especially those established on the limitation of liability of both ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS as from any travel or tourism service provider. Therefore, the USER must carefully read the General Conditions in each of the occasions in which he intends to use the WEBSITE, since they have been able to undergo modifications since the last time he accessed.

Key Conditions for the purchase of train tickets

1. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS. The acceptance of the following limitation of liability is essential for ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS to issue and to send the tickets which have been purchased through the website.

The assumed responsibility is:

The production and management of train ticket shipments

Making reservations, including the provision of certain rates

The utmost financial responsibility assumed by OnLine Travel Solutions can never be higher than the amount of the ticket offered (including the issuing and delivery costs that could be charged to the user) plus twenty percent, reason why if OnLine Travel Solutions incurred in any error or negligence in carrying out the aforementioned activities, its maximum liability will be limited to the above amount. Also, under no circumstances, OnLine Travel Solutions may be liable for the loss of profits derived from negligence in a transaction.

2. ISSUING COSTS CHARGED BY ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS. OnLine Travel Solutions charges issue costs to the train ticket per passenger for emission expenses..

These amounts are not refundable in any case, regardless of the rate chosen by the buyer.

Note: Issued bookings will be the confirmed bookings by the company and that the tickets of all the passengers have been issued.

3. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS. OnLine Travel Solutions will considerer the reservations that enter with a LOCATOR as FINAL and CONFIRMED and from that moment it will proceed to the immediate issuance of the tickets. From the moment of such emission, the conditions of MODIFICATION and CANCELLATION proper of each railway company involved in the reservation will be applied according to the CONTRACTED FARE.

Most of the rates offered by railway companies through ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS DO NOT ALLOW REIMBURSEMENT, therefore WE RECOMMEND YOU TO TAKE OUT A CANCELLATION INSURANCE at the time of confirmation or purchase of the reservation.

In the event that the ticket does allow CHANGE or CANCELLATION, the customer must request them at least 48 working hours in advance so that OnLine Travel Solutions has enough time and margin of performance to carry out the operation. In the case of non-working days it will not be possible to perform any action regarding changes or cancellations.

4. CANCELLATION INSURANCE. OnLine Travel Solutions, through AON, offers the possibility of contracting a Cancellation Insurance. The Cancellation Insurance allows the recovery of the amount of the reservation whenever the cancellation reason is covered by the insurer. OnLine Travel Solutions recommends the contracting of this insurance and the review of the conditions associated with it. If you contract the cancellation insurance, it becomes effective at the same time of the confirmation of the booking, being a non-refundable amount in no case.

5. CHANGES TO THE BOOKING. Remember at the moment of confirming the purchase that all the entered data, passenger names, and especially the email address of the customer, etc. ARE CORRECT, since the issuing and the sending of the tickets takes place automatically so,although ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS offers the possibility of printing train tickets at the time of purchase, if the customer has not entered the email correctly, he will evidently not receive the tickets properly, being the customer the UNIQUE responsible for any responsibility for not receiving these tickets.

The issued train tickets in OnLine Travel Solutions can only be cancelled through our agency.

Online cancellations from the customer control panel:

You can only cancel the tickets whose fare allows the cancellation up to 50 minutes before the departure of the train with the conditions according to the chosen fare. You can cancel a booking by entering in "My Account" by clicking the cancel button or entering through the mail sent with your tickets.

Off-line cancellations or changes:

In case you have a ticket that can be cancelled or changed, you must request it through the "contact" form indicating the cancellation. Your request must be sent at least 48 hours counting only the working days before the departure of the train.

The cancellation fee entails a processing fee of the 7% of the total amount of the ticket or tickets to be cancelled, these expenses will be deducted from the amount of refunding of the tickets. In addition, the penalty imposed by the railway operator who has issued the ticket must de assumed according to the fare of the same.

Derived from the reissue under the new conditions:

There are some train tickets that do allow changes to the reservation with or without penalty depending on the type of fare you have selected, each of the mails with the tickets issued inform about the conditions of change and cancellation.

6. DOCUMENTATION TO TRAVEL. It is the responsibility of each traveller to have the necessary documentation in order to travel to the destination requested, not being the non-fulfilment cause of reimbursement.

7. TREATMENT TO UNPAID TICKETS. OnLine Travel Solutions acts as mediator in the payment of the reserved tickets accepting the risk of unpaid, being forced to seriously persecute the fraudsters.

If the credit card was rejected or denied for payment for any reason, or the simple error in the introduction of your card number, OnLine Travel Solutions can cancel the booking without prior notice.

Requesting a reservation implies a commitment on the part of the customer to authorize the charge on the credit card provided.

If the credit card was rejected or denied for any reason, even the simple error in the introduction of your card number, your reservation can be cancelled without prior notice.

In the event that any total or partial payment of the charges made on your credit card, if this means of payment was chosen, are returned, since OnLine Travel Solutions will have issued and paid the reserved tickets, it will automatically accrue to OnLine Travel Solutions a commission for claim of unpaid of 150 € for each charge rejected, cancelled or refunded without notification. In the event that the non-payment is prosecuted, all expenses incurred by this claim, such as fees, legal clerk's fees and attorney's fees (including when intervention is not required), travel expenses, allowances, etc., must also be paid.

OnLine Travel Solutions may require the faxing of express authorization by the paying customer and a legible photocopy of the card and ID or passport of the holder in the following cases:

When the total amount of the confirmed reservation is equal to or greater than one thousand (1,000) Euro.

When the holder of the credit card used for the payment is different from the name of the traveller that appears in the reservation.

Other cases that OnLine Travel Solutions deems appropriate.

In case of not receiving such documentation, OnLine Travel Solutions reserves the right NOT TO ISSUE THE TICKETS TO PROTECT AGAINST SITUATIONS of dangerous viability.


OnLine Travel Solutions offers through its website the possibility of booking tickets with RENFE either exclusively or in combination with a return journey.

OnLine Travel Solutions will considerer the reservations that enter with a LOCATOR as FINAL and CONFIRMED and from that moment it will proceed to the immediate ISSUANCE of the train tickets. From the moment of such issue, the conditions of MODIFICATION and CANCELLATION proper to RENFE will be applied to the reservation based on the CONTRACTED FARE.

RENFE will apply its own penalties based on the fares.


"Ticket" means the train ticket and the luggage receipt, of which the present conditions and warnings form part.

"Carrier" means any rail carrier that transports, or commits to carry, the passenger or his baggage under this contract, or performs any other service related to the before mentioned rail transportation.

"Warsaw Convention" means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Rail, signed in Warsaw on the 12th of October 1929, or that Convention as amended at The Hague on the 28th of September 1955, as the case may be.

2. THE TRANSPORTATION CARRIED OUT UNDER THIS AGREEMENT is subject to the rules and limitations relating to the liability laid down by the Warsaw Convention unless the transport is not "international transport" as defined by that Convention.

3. AS LONG AS IT IS NOT IN CONTRAPOSITION WITH THE ABOVE, all transport performed and other services provided by each carrier shall be subject to:

The regulations contained in the ticket.

The applicable rates.

The conditions of transportation established by the carrier and the related regulations that form part of this contract (and that can be consulted in the offices of the carrier).

4. THE CARRIER'S NAME MAY APPEAR OR NOT ABBREVIATE ON THE TICKET, provided that the full name and its abbreviation appear in the carrier's manuals, conditions, regulations or schedules; The address of the carrier is that of the departure station that appears on the ticket before the first abbreviation of the name of the carrier; The agreed scales are those points indicated on that ticket or that appear in the schedules of the carrier as scales provided in the itinerary of the passenger; The transport to be carried out under this contract by several successive carriers will be considered as a single operation.

5. THE CARRIER ISSUING A TICKET FOR TRANSPORTATION for the routes of another carrier, acts only as an agent of this.

6. ANY EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF THE CARRIER shall apply and benefit to its agents, employees and representatives and to any person whose train the transport carrier uses, and to its agents, employees and representatives.

7. THE TOTALITY OF THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED AS GENERAL CONDITIONS. I understand that OnLine Travel Solutions, S.L. is the company responsible for, that is to say, the same that represents it.

8. THE PASSENGER SHALL COMPLY WITH GOVERNMENTAL TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS and present outbound, inbound and other required documents and arrive at the train station 15 minutes before the indicated departure time and early enough to be able to get on the train before its departure

9. NO AGENT, EMPLOYEE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TRANSPORTER has authority to alter, modify or waive any of the provisions of this agreement.

10. PAYMENT OF TICKETS. If the payment is made with a Debit Card and a weekly credit card, there may be a double temporary charge on your card, consisting of a withholding for the total amount of the reservation, and a charge for the total amount of the ticket. The withholding will disappear automatically in an estimated 10 days depending on your bank. This withholding is unconnected to OnLine Travel Solutions and obeys strictly and exclusively the existing operations in Spain between banks and card issuers.

This is the system used by most railway companies during the issuance of tickets as a guarantee that the card has a limit available and is not blocked or stolen.

Basically, this process consists of OnLine Travel Solutions asking the bank for authorization to charge the total amount of the reservation to the card. The bank returns an authorization code and blocks the money in your account waiting for the railway company to confirm the transaction. Subsequently, when the railway company issues and charges the tickets, your bank receives both the charges as well as the issued tickets with the authorization number you provided. Banking systems should be able to override the retained money when charges arrive using this authorization code, but we have detected that some banking systems do not, and in this case, they keep the money locked for an estimated period of 10 days depending on the bank.

With credit cards, it can also happen, although it does not have the same impact as with debit cards since with a credit card it will only decrease the available credit for a few days.

How can you ensure that this blocked money will be released? Contact your bank to inform you if this operation is a charge or an operation pending confirmation.

Railway companies' liability in relation to the transport of animals: The transport of domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, must be requested to the train. In the case of regular line railway companies the request will be made in cabin or hold depending on the weight of the animal and the measurements of its box or transport. To take into account restrictive conditions of low cost railway companies that do not allow transport of animals of any type as a rule. Authorization by railway companies may be denied for several reasons so we recommend you always consult before making your reservation.

Additional General Conditions

1. The information contained in the WEBSITE is offered for the convenience of the USER, however, it may contain inaccuracies, errata or any kind of error. ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information or content of the WEBSITE.

2. The WEBSITE screens are optimized for the use with Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers. ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS is not responsible for the results obtained using a different browser or operating system.

3. ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS operates the WEBSITE and, in particular, offers and, where appropriate, supplies the contents, products and services to the visiting USER of the WEBSITE on behalf of and for the account of tour operators of recognized prestige such as: Renfe, SNCF, ILSA, OUIGO, DB, ALSA, Trenitalia, Italo treno, Movelia, and all the carriers that works with as a provider. In this respect, ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS has limited itself to include the service in the WEBSITE. Unless explicitly stated in this way, in no case can it be understood that ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS offers train tickets directly.

4. By registering on ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS, the USER accepts that the personal data provided is the objective of electronic treatment that is the property of ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS. ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS and the USER undertake to operate in full compliance with the Policy of Non-Consent Advertising regulated in the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE). In particular, they commit to:

ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS wants to inform the USER that their data will be treated confidentially and hosted on servers that meet the requirements established by European legislation regarding data protection.

Not to cede such data to a an external company to ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS.

Not to send chains of not requested electronic messages.

To allow the USERS in such messages to unsubscribe or modify their data.

The USER allows ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS to use this data for the provision and administration of services and communications between ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS and the USER by different means: email, telephone or mobile systems in their different options.

5. Within the WEBSITE there are links to other websites. ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS has no control over these other websites and takes obviously no responsibility for them. ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS does not sponsor or guarantee any of these third party websites, which have been included for convenience to USERS.

6. The Users will use the WEBSITE strictly and exclusively for private and particular use. The Users may not copy, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way the content of this WEBSITE or the services that may be obtained through it, without the written permission of ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS.

7. Users may not link up to the WEBSITE websites without the written consent of ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS.

8. The entirety of this WEBSITE: text, images, marks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, ordering and presentation of its contents, is property of ONLINE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS and any reproduction, distribution, public release and transformation of all or part of the web page is forbidden. Also, the reproduction, retransmission, copy, cession or broadcasting, total or partial, of the information contained in these pages, whatever its purpose and the means used for it are, is forbidden.